Teas (herbal), Flowers & Berries
We sell all of our Teas online, check out our
"Shop Online" tab.
All our teas, flowers and berries
ARE organic unless noted with an *
Alfalfa Leaf - cut and sifted
Burdock Root - cut
Calendula Flower - petals
Catnip Herb - cut & sifted
Chamomile (German) - whole flowers
*Corn Silk - cut & sifted
Dandelion Leaf - cut & sifted
Dandelion Root - cut & sifted
Echinacea Purpurea - cut & sifted
Elderberries - whole
Eucalyptus - cut & sifted
Feverfew - cut & sifted
Goldenseal Leaf - cut & sifted
Hibiscus Flowers - cut & sifted
Holy Basil - leaf
Immuni Tea
Juniper Berries
Lavender Flowers - whole
Lemon Balm Leaf - cut
Lemon Ginger Tea (herbal)
Lemon Grass - cut & sifted
Lemon Verbena Leaf - cut
*Licorice Root - cut & sifted
*Lucious Licorice Tea (herbal)
Marshmallow Root - cut & sifted
Mullein Leaf - cut
Oat Straw (green tops) - cut & sifted
*Passion Flower - cut & sifted
*Pau d' Arco Bark - cut
Peppermint Leaf - cut & sifted
*Red Clover Blossoms
Red Raspberry Leaf - cut
Relaxing Tea (herbal)
Rooibos Tea (herbal)
*Red Rose Petals (external use)
Rosehips, Seedless
Scullcap Herb
Slippery Elm - powder
Spearmint Leaf - cut & sifted
Stinging Nettle Leaf - cut & sifted
Turmeric Ginger Tea (herbal)
Valerian Root - cut & sifted
Warming Crimson Berry Tea
White Willow Bark - cut
Yerba Mate Leaf - cut & sifted (caffeine)
Yellowdock Root - cut & sifted